The Adventure Continues...

Friday, February 04, 2005

Gaylord Avenue...

As my title suggests, I was thinking of Lobo the other day; not because I missed the bastard but because I met someone who said that she was from Puna (in India). Does Lobo even read this? Can someone tell me what he is doing with his hair these days? Anyway, I thought I would shed some light on Singapore's precarious and hidden political diseases. To make a long story short, Singapore was a shitty island during the early 1900s. Around the 1960s, after gaining independance from Britain/Malaysia, the reins of the government were given to a UK-trained lawyer (a Singaporean). Mr. Lee Kwan Yu, is known as the father of Singapore. He travelled to the US and spend some time at Harvard to study how the US works, in essence he picked up models from all over the world and instilled them in Singapore. He and his government personally transformed this island from a third world fart to a first world country. But all is not well here -- after discussions with cabbies, floormates, etc. I've noticed a definite unrest in the country. Everything here is owned by the government, namley Lee Kwan Yu et al. (his sons are both Prime Minister and CEO of Singtel largest telecom in Singapore). Wow, these guys have their hands in everything here, the country is really run like a firm. The transportation system is owned by the government, everything is dictated by them as well. I'm risking my life by letting you guys in on it so listen up and appreciate this insight ;). So we went to a speech that the Father of Singapore was holding at NUS. Several students had questions for him, but he dismissed them and even went to the extent of riducling them. Everyone is tracked here with their NRIC number, they also tape overseas calls, etc. Its crazy, people even come into our room when we're not in town (how do they know we're outta the country??) -- its a conspiracy i tell you. No I'm kidding, its probably not that bad, but I am surprised to which extent this company is run by a few figures; now one can argue we are also controlled in Canada by a few hidden few -- here its different though, they even control media's the word.

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