The Adventure Continues...
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Yes yes, I know I've been slacking in updating the website, but for those that know me it was only a matter of time before this practise fell by the wayside. Anyway, now that I'm up and about let me fill y'all in. P.S. Ass thanks for getting that package through to me. I've been doing a lot of school work to catch up and get a little ahead so I can dick around for April so I haven't travelled much since my last trip to KL. Reading week just passed and I visited Bali, yes the official honeymoon spot for most of the world. We were there for 5 days, 4nights. Gema, Sheena, Sonia, and I went together; upon arrival our driver asked me if I was a "friend of oil" meaning a sheik cuz I had three women with me. Haha, little does he know -- shoulda shown him my bank account. Anyway, our first hotel was at the famous Kuta beach. Famous for drunken Aussies and big ass waves. Our hotel was pretty much dreamy, luch tropical greenery and a nice ass pool. I was a little disappointed though in my initial appraisal of Bali. The area was quite dirty and the ocean was not inviting (after Phuket anything is pretty much nasty). The waves were fucking crazy though, we swam out far and were getting tossed around by the waves --> i was spun under water 360 degrees by the force of one wave. I made my out of the water pretty quickly after that. The first few days we did the sightseeing thing. Saw a volcano, batik painting, lush green rice terraces, and some temples. We also visited a black sand beach in the north of Bali, drove by vanilla/coffee plantations, and bathed in hot springs on the side of a mountain -- crazy! Oh, I've left out the people of Bali (obviously most are nice) but EVERYWHERE you go someone is trying to sell you something. And not trying to sell you once or twice, they will literally follow u down the street asking you if you want sculptures, fake watches, etc. Lying on the beach every five seconds someone would yell "Hello hello, you want sarong, you want straw hat?" Do I look like someone who'd wear a sarong? Fuck. Also when you do buy something they'd start at $150,000 rupiah, then you work them down to $10,000 -- fockers. I got a few things, but my favourite was dvds for $1 cdn each! I bought 45. And no, no one can borrow them when i get back. Now for the cream of the trip. Nikko Bali. Yes it deserves its own sentence. This place was maybe the most beautiful hotel I've ever been in or seen. It was just breathtaking -- I'll post pics soon. I splurged here and got two massages. One hot stone, and one aryuvedic massage where they pour oil on your third eye (between your eyes on your forehead) for 20 minutes. It was amazing. K I'm runnig outta things to say -- I'm kinda bored of this area, I wanna hit up Bangkok, and then try and make my way to Cambodia, Tokyo, or Shanghai ...