The Adventure Continues...
Monday, January 03, 2005
First night: Van City
Ya so I guess some would call it a blessing in disguise...who would want hydroulic problems over the Pacific? I arrived at Vancouver's airport after flying over the sexy rockies only to find that we were grounded due to technical issues. I must say, however, that Singapore Airlines really took care of us throughout the whole ordeal -- we couldn't have been made any more comfortable throughout the event. I'm in my hotel room right now enjoying free internet, 2 double beds, and a free buffet dinner (Singapore does it up proper ;). My flight leaves in 11 hrs, so that gives me time to check out Van City downtown -- see if it compares to the capital of Canada (that is Toronto for all those Albertans that needed to ask). Tony man, Vancouver is truly your city, its full of portugese/italian errr punjabi people. Around 70% of my flight were sikhs, and the thing is they're always with extended family! Its never the typical nuclear family, instead its like 2 brothers, their wives, 8 kids, and 2 pairs of old couples. I also met this guy who works with Haliburton (a la Dick "Penis" Cheney) in Brunei. He's been with them for over 15 years and you know that guy is making some serious duckets...Therez a bunch of white people going to ashrams in India for "spirtitual enlightenment", lol only in Vancouver. The people here a really nice, everyone from the waiter to the bus driver was friendly, a little too friendly. Its a very tree-huggerish city where granola is the provincial snack. But in all seriousness, they really are nice. Anyways, gotta jet to see the rockies at night...until next time. V for Victory or something corny like that...